In February 2014 I went to India on a mission trip. This blog talks about the storms that I went through to get there and the mountains that were moved so that I could go. Ending with my experience there. Feel free to leave comments as you join me on a journey of a lifetime. Have a blessed day, week and year. Remember through Faith and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ all things are possible.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Last night the India Alive 2014 meet for devotional and to discuss our trip. When we closed in prayer God gave me a word. Faith. With it came a picture of Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 5:17-26. For the next few days I will be meditating and getting deeper into these two passages. So, in a couple days come back and see just what Faith is and what Faith can do from these passages. Also feel free to read them yourself and let me know what you find. Have a blessed day and come back to review Faith.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Update on India Alive

Just wanted to do a quick update on the Mission trip. Yes, my title says Mission India 2013, however the date got changed and we are now leaving February 2014. We have a nice title which is India Alive 2014 which I think is just awesome. We are planning on buying the plane tickets this December or January at the latest. We have been working hard on raising the funds to go. We have done everything from car washes, to bake sales, to an Avon Fundraiser. I have also been very busy baking pies. Which seem to be a big hit. We also started working the Life Cafe which not only helps us raise money but also helps those who arrive early at Life, to set-up be able to get some breakfast. With all of this fundraising however I'm still short. I'm not done though and God is amazing!!! I know the funds will come from unexpected places. From donations giving by loved ones or donations giving from complete strangers they will come in. God is just that amazing to work in everybody's heart to be able to donate. If you are thinking of donating but really think why give her money to go, remember your not giving me money to go what you are doing is giving money to help Orphans, sweet little angels who just want a hug, and I want to go hug them and show them the Love of God. Have a wonderful week and may God bless you throughout it.