In February 2014 I went to India on a mission trip. This blog talks about the storms that I went through to get there and the mountains that were moved so that I could go. Ending with my experience there. Feel free to leave comments as you join me on a journey of a lifetime. Have a blessed day, week and year. Remember through Faith and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ all things are possible.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Yes, my husband was accepting of me going to India. Like Joseph it took him some time to think on it but he said yes.

To me that is huge!! I had prayed on it and asked God to let his will be done, if he wants me to go to India then have my husband  allow me to go if I'm not to go have him say no. So, my confirmation came, yes I am to go.

This was really huge for me because well I'm very independent and do things my way and if I want to do something  I will. I've been married for 12 years and have tried to be accepting to my husbands decisions and if he says no then to go with it but it is hard and in general I still do my own thing. The problem is that isn't good for a marriage and it isn't what God wants from us.

God tells us in Ephesians 5:22-24 (NIV)-"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything."

Submit to my husband in everything not just some things but everything. That is some hard stuff to take. But it comes down to this if I can't submit to my husband then how can I submit to God? God tells us to submit to our husbands and if I don't then I'm not submitting to God, so, I submitted. When I talked to my husband about it at first he said no. I was hurt because I really felt that God was calling me to India. However I had also told God that if my husband says no I will submit to his authority and accept his decision. So, I accepted it, I did ask him to wait and make his final decision before the first mission meeting. Not that it would make a difference because once my husbands mind is made up there is no changing it. Knowing this I came to a place of acceptance, I knew the Lord wanted me in India, but with my husband saying no I had to accept it and submit to him, and accept that decision. Once I submitted and prayed about it I had peace with the choice my husband had made. I knew that one day I would go maybe not in 2013 but one day. Then my husband texted me saying I could go. I was so happy that I cried. I guess it takes divine intervention to change my husbands mind. Our relationship has strengthened since I submitted.

Through giving of yourself , you are giving much. As I submitted to my husband and gave up my stubborn independence and let him lead instead of me leading, I also submitted to God. Therefore God then can use me and touched my husband to have him say yes. God had to break me and make me submissive so that he can use me, if I stayed in my own ways God couldn't use me.

God molds us to what he wants us to be, we go through storms and fire to become pure, it hurts and it can be tough but God won't give us more than we can handle. I've told you so far of two storms that I have gone through as God prepares to send me to India. The accepting of God's will and letting him lead me and submitting myself to my husband and to God.

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